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fz npv - sustainable processes and procedures
current tenders
// Current funding lines
// Funding lines
- 14.02.: new local communities of responsibility (240t / 4y, kulturstiftung)
- 20.02.: Free space for teaching development: testing openness, creative ideas (400t, 24 Mon; shl)
- 21.02.: Application-related research projects on the mental health of students (bmbf, s.a.)
- 30.02.: Decision support: income, socio-economic status, nutrition (BLE)
- 03.03.: Innovative bioproduction for a climate-neutral industry / bioeconomy (bmbf)
- 10.03.: Science & data journalism (€75t, media forward / vw)
- 16.05.: I,W,Bio: Developing transfer potentials (15t, herz)
- 24.03.: GreenTech innovation competition - digital technologies as a lever for the circular economy (bmwk)
- 26.03.: College research groups (GW/SW/KW; dfg)
- 30.03.: Startup Factories: excellent, cross-university ecosystems with intern. Strong integration in regional value creation, foundation / transfer (bmwk)
- 31.03.: Climate-active municipality 2025 (bmwk)
- 31.03./30.9.: DNA of future mobility. Digital - Sustainable - System-capable (bmwk)
- 31.03.: Near Zero Emission: application-oriented wood heat from small combustion plants (bmel)
- 01.04.: University-related central measures of student associations (bmbf)
- 02.04.: Change Fellowships: transdisz. Transformation (5 yrs, 1.8m euros, vw)
- 02.04.: Biodiversity Exploratories (dfg; s.a.)
- 07.04.: Innovate! bio-based materials (application-oriented, E14, 350t Euro, herz)
- 29.04.: Innovation funding: water, climate adaptation (bmel)
- 29.04.: Socio-ecological junior research groups for sustainable and resilient urban-rural regions (5 MA, 1 assistant, HiWis 120t, OA-Publ 15t, coaching, business trips; two-stage, bmbf)
- 30.04.: Challenges & success factors: Transformation to a circular bioeconomy: framework conditions, innovation processes, scenario development, LCA (two-stage, bmbf)
- 30.04.: Disruptive approaches to the industrial use of CO2 (bmbf)
- 01.05.: Heat transition: municipal acceleration (also microprojects; bmbf)
- 27.05.: Material hub: sustainable biohyrides / living materials (bmbf)
- 31.05.: Wood heat from small combustion plants with near zero emissions (bmel)
- 10.06.: Large appliance initiative (dfg)
- 30.06.: Transformative climate protection projects (bmwk)
- 30.06.: Banking research: sustainability management, AI (100t, dz-bank)
- 30.06.: R&D&I bio-based additives (bmel)
- 17.06.: Science communication (150t; vw)
- 31.07.: Reading time (adm. functionaries, 6 months leave of absence; thyssen)
- 31.08.: Female professors program 2030 (bmbf)
- 01.09.: GW/SW/KW: Personnel/travel/material resources (thyssen)
- 30.09.: Water-Energy-Nexus: Linking innovations in the water/energy sector (bmbf)
- 04.11.: Opus Magnum: Substitute professorship (195t, 18 M.; vw)
- 31.03.26: R&D battery technologies (b@ts, bmbf; see also junior research groups)
- 15.04.26: Junior Research Groups Bioeconomy (bbmbf)
- 31.12.26: Measures to adapt to the consequences of climate change: municipal adaptation / implementation / model projects (bmuv)
- 15.04.27: Resources & circular economy (KMU innovativ, bmbf)
- 30.06.27: Transformative climate protection projects (bmwk)
- 30.06.27: Future technologies for the industrial bioeconomy (bmbf)
- 30.06.27: International hydrogen projects (bmbf/bmwk)
- 30.06.27: 8th energy research program: technologies for energy supply; power grids and electricity storage; energy use and energy efficiency; energy system and system integration (bmwk)
- 31.07.27: WIPANO: Transfer projects, norms / patents / standards (bmwk)
- 30.09.27: Exist Women (bmwk)
- 01.12.30: Organic value chains (bmbf)
- (anytime) Ladenburg Discourse: interdisc. Reflection (2 T. Conference; benz)
- (anytime) Climate protection, participation, Europe in the world (two-stage; mercator)
- (at any time) Solution-oriented projects: Cooperation with SMEs (two-stage, dbu)
- Promotion of public welfare-oriented companies (bmwk)
- ZIM (bmwk, -30.06.27)
- Innovation vouchers (BMWi)
- Games funding (2 yrs, -€2m, bmwk)
- Mail TAN procedure in Easy-Online (bmbf; letter post no longer required)
// internat. cooperations
- 01.02.: Emerging countries - climate protection scholarship (executives / postdocs, 1-2 yrs, AvH)
- 18.02.: Brazil (homboldt)
- 26.02.: Korea (dfg)
- 15.03.: Israel (dfg)
- 25.03.: Korea (wtz, bmbf)
- 31.01.: India: paired applied research (early carrer, igstc)
- 31.03.: India: Women (igstc)
- 26.03.: cross-border cooperation: Belgium, Brazil, Luxembourg, Austria, Czech Republic, Turkey (IraSME)
- 27.03.: AU-EU collaborative r&i projects on sustainable energy (bmbf, fona)
- 29.05.: Postdoctoral Researchers International Mobility (daad)
- 31.12.: Funding for refugee scientists (3J, dfg)
- 30.06.27: International hydrogen projects (bmbf/bmwk)
- 30.07.27.: Denmark (dfg)
- (anytime) Colombia, Czech Republic, Japan (dfg)
- (anytime) Switzerland, Austria: cross-border research (36 months; dach)
- (anytime) Study visits for green hydrogen (daad)
- infos: Water security Africa (bmbf)
- networking: EU-Bauhaus
- Experts wanted: daad
// EU
- 06.03.: Coop. France (anr / dfg)
- 10.03.: citizen science: social, political, cultural and ecological challenges through citizen participation (bmbf)
- 07.03.: Staff development for learning and teaching at European universities" (STAFF-DEV)
- 02.04.: GW/KW-MINT: Networking EU (ssh-stem, vernetzBar)
- 13.04.: GW/SW/KW research conferencesD,I,FR (12-16 p., villa vigoni, dfg)
- 14.05.: Forum NKS Bioökonomie & Umwelt (nks bio)
- 28.05.: ERC Starting / Advanced / Consolidator Grants
- 17.06.: Proposals for the establishment of a new EIT / KIC 'Water' (e.g. water quality)
- 18.09.: Fundamental rights and rule of law (cerv)
- H2020 successor / 10th Framework Program: Info
- Open letter: Strengthening Social Science-Focused Energy Research in Horizon Europe
- Statistics H2020
- EU Dashboard: Personnel costs (by country)
// Prizes
- 13.01.: Constructive World Award
- 14.02.: Shaping the future of inner cities (25t, center)
- 28.02.: Science Communication (7500 Euro, Tschira)
- 28.02.: Environmental, process and energy technology communication (2500 euros, Umsicht)
- 20.02.: Foundation: Hessen Ideas Scholarship (3 p. teams, 2500 € / p / 6 months + accelerator; hessen)
- 01.03.: dtsch. Study award: Dissertation with gesellsch. Bed. (25t €; koerber)
- 10.03.: For woman in science: early carreer (25t €, fws)
- 14.03.: Publishing prize: Fachbuch (hessen)
- 17.03.: WomanTechEU: startups (75t €, wte)
- 31.03.: Women & Media (ÖR)
- 31.03.: Promotion of young talent in energy (TUM, HSZ)
- 31.03.: Applications for sustainable biotechnology (€500t, herz)
- 14.04.: Ecodesign 2025 (bmuv)
- 30.04.: Funding prize for renewable raw materials: including bioeconomy (€10t, carmen)
- 30.04.: Science Video & Podcast Contest(9t €, wid)
- 09.05.: young science (1350 Euro, bmbwf)
- 01.06./01.10.: Future prize for living together, open spaces, new forms of construction, communication (€20t, fgb)
- 30.06.: Strengthening democracy research (€10t, hesse)
- 15.09.: Essay prize: AI (1200 euros, gerdsen)
- Nominate: Greenwashing Prize
// exhibition / events
- 05.02.: commute, more sustainable (citizen university FfM)
- 19-21.02.: Sustainability Science Summit 2025 (future earth)
- 27.02.: Clarity instead of greenwashing: communicate correctly, support sustainable consumption (br)
- 07.03.: European Ocean Days (Brussels)
- 24-28.03.: Darmstadt Days of Transformation (schader)
- 24.03.: Green ICT Camp, Nuremberg
- 08.04.: Forum for Social Innovation and Companies for the Common Good (bmwk/bmbf/fona)
- 30.6.+: Transformation Sociology (schader)
- 19-25.07.: Innovation cup summer camp (Merck)
- -14.09.: Movement! Frankfurt and mobility (hist. Museum, FfM)
- diy (eisenhüttenstadt)
- wall (uba)
- artvorort (ds)
// misc: Novelties
- Visions; Moral ambition; Lobby-OptOut; Satisfaction; M (s.a. MAP); Studium Planetare / klasseklima (s.a. klimacampus, urbane zukunft, clews, v-food-managm.); mandatory reuse: France(see also); phase-out: disposable e-cigarettes, France; 2045; vehicle procurement 2.0; staff shortage: bicycle industry(see also #1, 2); job-bike arguments: Days absent; Train route revival; Parking lot solar (see also Growth solar, D); Slow traffic: Switzerland (see also Approval speed limit (adac))); Exit: 40-hour week, Spain; Cooperative transformation(see also); Turnover/employee numbers: UWS(see also.); transformation: cruise ships / chemical industry; aluminum batteries; coal phase-out: Belgium (2016), New Zealand (18), Austria (20), Portugal (21), Sweden (20), UK (24), 2025: Greece, Ireland, Italy, Hungary; democracy; global survey: climate change; (D) 70/30: approval of renewables / coal / nuclear; pioneer (s.a. Design); EU electricity: 29% fossil; fracking fee; methane leakage tracking(see also biogas vs. coal); methane tax: Denmark(see also); seaweed methane diet; eTrecker; field strips; Green Deal agriculture: Denmark(see also); German Model bog; peat-free gardening; urban forest garden; circular construction; COF / MOF; positive side effects: CO2 reduction; UK & climate; paper towel recycling; plural economy; nature rights; cell phone free public / schools(see also; #1, #2, #3, #4, #5); prison > bison herd; water; internet of animals; time prosperity(see also #1, #2); hope; handprint
- BigTech: mainstream social media complex(see also #1., #2, #3, #4) vs. 'fact-checking' anti-establishment / ÖR: newsfix / hoffnung(see also #1, #2) / new hope(see also)
- life cycle assessment: CCS; biochar (ioew); digitalization (rnd, s.a.); domestic /livestock farming;
- info: buying furniture (uba); night trains (sd)
- toolbox: Sufficiency in the neighborhood; heating co2 calculator (incl. wood fuel, see also #1, #2), digital footprint
- audio: true crime heizhammer (ppp); sock puppet zoo (ard, see also #1)
- video: peat-free gardening(s.a.)
- game: little impacts; berlin flat quest; when they came for us; entopolis; knotenpunkt
- app: wahl-o-mat(en); local car density (zt); climate-action simulator, free public transportation; stubborn
- DIY: climate scales; neighborhood gardening; greening compass
// misc: bizarre
- Dänification: California; art turkey AI(s.a. #1, #2); CO2 balanceUkraine-Kieg: air traffic; right tilt; toxic tours (s.a. descendants / cancer alley / plasticplants); Frackenstein & friends (s.a.);supermarket boycott (s.a.); supermarket fridge HFC; microplastics (&(plastic/petrochemical) lobby); sustainable armor; gas (stove) lobbyism; mood development 4.0; toxic tampons; heat death 23; GPT? > GPGP ;EGV; weather 2050; health 2050(s.a. #1., #2, #3); milk makes ... super-emitters; meat-posting; 2030-2050, USA; 80s modern; 100million+/day/person, tax-free(s.a.); silence (see also #1);'polarization entrepreneurs':'Silicon Valley Playbook to destroy Americas Government'(see also)
// Digital
- twin transition?
- chipdesign germany (s.a.); life cycle assessment: chip manufacturing (zt; s.a.); digital standards: AI-free; cables;> IT appropriation
- Data centers: electricity consumption extrapolation 2026 > 2040 (US; 2029; see also NDAs, map, criticism / legislation, fracking gas infrastructure / consumption; water consumption, aw #1, #2, #3); green coding; sustainability: research software (dfg); survey: sustainability & digitization (forsa)
- Mobility data, re-identification; Doomscrolling 2.0
- LobbyControl: GAFAM / Goliath-Watch
- Social media watch; youth protection needs: social media; Free our Feeds
- Call: digital democratic control (b&b); tcv 250