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fz npv - sustainable processes and procedures
Current tenders.
// Current funding lines
// Funding lines
- 15.05.: Transformative education (dbu)
- 24.05.: Strengthening local value creation (structurally weak regions; bmwk)
- 31.05.: Knowledge exchange for international sustainable forest management (bmel)
- 04.06.: Large-scale equipment initiative(dfg)
- 04.06.: Electronic communication in the circular economy: further development of the electron. Schnittstelle und der konkretisierenden Hinweise (bmu)
- 07.06.: Green Hydrogen Research: A Collaboration to Empower Tomorrow's Energy: Systemic studies, sustainability analysis (LCA), development of business cases, value chain: longevity and further development of existing technologies, development of new materials, hydrogen infrastructure, scalability (bmbf)
- 11.06.: Reduce environmental impacts food sector, obesity, diseases: Individual/cooperative projects (eit food)
- 13.06.: International partnership for modern power grids (ISGAN, bmwk), transnational
- 14.06.: Alternative binding agents, sustainable road construction (bast)
- 30.06.: Construction of demonstration plants / example regions for the industrial bioeconomy: substitution of fossil resources with bio-based resources, increase in resource efficiency through waste avoidance or recycling, quantitative reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, generation of new value chains (bmwk; also each 01.03., 15.10)
- 30.06.: Accelerating planning for climate adaptation with urban digital twins, regional / municipal (data) infrastructure, real-world laboratories (bmbf)
- 12.07.: DKN working groupson sustainability research: international, 2+1 years, 9 people (DFG)
- 15.07.: Biomass - Biogas (fnr, s.a.)
- 16.07.: Emotions as a determinant of consumer behavior: R&D (BMUV)
- 25.07.: Acquiring industrial projects (deggendorf)
- 30.06.: Demonstration plants / example regions for the industrial bioeconomy: Substitution of fossil resources with bio-based resources,
Increase in resource efficiency through waste avoidance or recycling, quantitative reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, generation of new value chains based on bio-based products (bmwk, also 01.03., 15.10.) - 31.07.: Renovation and modernization with wood and other renewable raw materials (fnr)
- 15.08.: Success conditions for good STEM education, practical extracurricular-school cooperation, two-stage (bmbf)
- 30.08.: Reading time, 6-month professorship replacement (thyssen)
- 31.08.: Research projects in cooperation with civil society: Sciences & civil society partners - new forms and framework conditions of engagement for sustainable engagement promotion, including "new" forms of engagement, diversity and participation in engagement and volunteering, recruitment and retention of volunteers, digitality and innovation, 2 yrs, 170t euros (dsee)
- 15.09.: go bio next: start-up activities for research approaches with high value creation potential; economic viability as the basis for successful business start-ups: higher degree of maturity / "de-risking" (bmbf)
- 19.09.: new European Bauhaus: bioeconomy (e.g. biobased products, governance) >!> brokerage event 21./22.05 (consortium set-up)
- 24.09.: Citizen Science for Action (sauer-stiftung)
- 29.09.: Hessen Ideen Stipendium: idea > business idea; 2500 euros/month, 3 people, 6 months; idea accelerator (hessen)
- 30.09.: Increasing the use of hardwood in structural timber construction (fnr)
- 30.09.: AI & biogas production(bmel)
- 08.10.: interdisciplinary, innovative projects (dfg)
- 15.10.: Resources & circular economy, 2 yrs, 500t euros (bmbf / fona, KMU-innovativ; +15.4., annually)
- 15.10.: Energy efficiency, climate protection and climate adaptation, two-stage (bmbf; KMU-innovativ; +15.4., annually)
- 31.12.: Data Reuse, €100t (vw)
- 31.12.: Exist research transfer (bmwk)
- 31.12.: Exist start-up grant, 12 months (bmwk)
- 31.12.: interdisciplinary reflection on a scientifically and socially relevant research topic: ladenburger diskurs (daimler-benz)
- 15.04.25: BioKreativ - Creative young researchers for the bioeconomy, R&D&I, including transformation of the petroleum-based > bio-based economy, new tools & methods, cycle-supporting models, innovative products, efficient use, improvement of the value chain (bmbf)
- 30.06.24: Avoidance of climate-relevant process emissions in industry (BMBF)
- 16.07.27: Innovations in consumer protection in law and business (BMUV)
- 30.06.27: Export initiative for environmental protection: water/wastewater management; circular economy, resource efficiency, "green" hydrogen and fuel cell technologies, sustainable mobility solutions, environmental management, sustainable urban/regional development in connection with requirements in the field of water and circular economy: knowledge transfer abroad, EXI (BMUV)
- (at any time) Innovations in legal and economic consumer protection (ble)
- (anytime) Innovation program for business models and pioneering solutions (IGP; bmwk)
- (open) Corporate cooperation - SME-innovative: resources and circular economy, topics include raw material efficiency (resource-efficient product design, urban mining, increasing raw material efficiency) or water management; 500t euros, 2 y; two-stage (bmbf)
- green-startup-Monitor 2024 (dbu)
- (at any time): Transfer FH/HAW PLUS: in-kind grant for knowledge transfer (no project commitment), two-stage (dfg)
- (at any time) Plus-energy districts / 15-minute cities (bmbf, -2027)
- (at any time) Investments with a demonstration character to reduce environmental pollution (environmental innovation program, funding amount up to 7.5 million, bmu)
- (at any time) Pioneerproject - social transformation €500t / 3 yrs.
- Overview: DFG information events Research funding
// internat. Cooperations
- (at any time) R&D Eastern Europe / Central Asia (bmbf, -2027)
- (at any time) UK (Collaborative Research on Climate Change)
- (anytime) Regions (dfg)
- 01.06.: Fulbright Scholarships, USA
- 03.06.: ZIM UK
- 05.06.: TWAS-DFG: Invitation to postdoctoral researchers from sub-Saharan African countries, early career phases, all disciplines for a three-month research/cooperation stay, 2350 €/month, flight costs, project expenses (dfg)
- 05.06.WAS-DFG: Invitation to doctoral researchers from Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Palestine (West Bank and Gaza Strip), Syrian Arab Republic, Tunisia and Yemen, early career phases, all disciplines for a three-month research/cooperation stay, 2350 €/month, flight costs, project expenses (dfg)
- 13.06.: International partnership for modern power grids (bmwk)
- 23.06.: Japan; sustainable agriculture (bmbf)
- 26.06.: Japan; quantum technologies (dfg)
- 28.06.: ZIM Canada
- 30.06.: WTZ Vietnam
- 08.07.: South Caucasus / Central Asia: sustainable solutions (bmbf)
- 10.07.: HAW international (daad, application being prepared by Ms. Hermkes)
- 18.07.: Circular economy Singapore: polymer design, upgrading waste, waste as a resource (BMBF)
- 31.07.: ZIM Chile
- 12.08.: German-South Africanjunior research group "Just Energy Transition (JET)": e.g. on transformation research, economics, socio-ecological research (bmbf)
- 26.08.: Modern research: China (BMBF)
- 05.09.: ZIM Singapore
- 30.09.: ZIM Poland
- 25.09.: Measures to prepare joint applications from German research institutions and their partners from the Eastern Partnership countries(Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Republic of Moldova and Ukraine)
- 30.09.: ZIM Taiwan
- 30.09.: Costa Rica (dfg)
- 16.10.: Canada, battery research (bmbf)
- 14.11.: ZIM Network Annual Conference
- Franco-German future work (e.g. heat transition)
// EU
- 06.06.: Historical awareness for a strong democracy: e.g. European integration, democratic transition, decolonization, strengthening the memory of the holocaust (cerv)
- 20.06.: AGRI-FOOD transnational / transdisciplinary R&I projects for the digitalization of agricultural food systems for more sustainability (ERA-NET)
- 10.07.: HAW international (daad, application is being prepared by Ms. Hermkes)
- 16.10.: EIC Pathfinder Challenges: Solar-to-X (renewable fuels, chemicals and materials), cement and concrete as carbon sink, Nature inspired alternatives food packaging / films for agriculture, Nanoelectronics, sustainability and resilience of EU space infrastructure
- 23.10.:European Cooperation in Science and Technology(COST),Establishment/expansion of research networks at EU level4Y. Promotion of networking
- EU: ALLEA code of conduct (e.g. on AI, open science, data management, inclusion)
- EU database: best practices
- EU dashboard: Personnel costs (by country)
- FAQ: Lump Sum (see Excel sheet)
- EU-SocialSciences & Humanities: Open Marketplace
- EUt+: new partner Unicas / Cassino (Italy)
- FAQ: What does the EU do for me?
- FAQ: EU & Lobbying
- FAQ: How is an EU law made?
// Prizes
- 15.05.: digital green talents (fona)
- 20.05.: Fundamental Academic / European Values Award (daad)
- 20.05.: EU TalentOn; Contest for early-career researchers, including Adaptation to Climate Change, Restore our Ocean and Water, 100 Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities, A Soil Deal for Europe, €75t
- 31.05.: German Sustainability Award Architecture / Health
- 03.06.: Citizen Science Research Prize
- 15.06.: Youth Nature Conservation Prize (C. Funke / BfN)
- 24.06.: Hessian Founder Award (hessen)
- 28.06.: Environmental Management (bmuv, bmk)
- 30.06.: Technology transfer (dpg)
- 30.06.: Plastics technology: Prizes for young scientists (wak. Young scientists (wak)
- 12.07.: International German Sustainability Award (dnp)
- 01.07.: bartel media prize, € 3t
- 08.07.: science prize (bundestag)
- 10.07.: Employer Award f. Zukunftskompetenzen i.d. Bildung, 10t € (ag)
- 26.07.: Hessian State Prize "Universal Design"
- 31.07.: excellent university teaching (stifterverband)
- 31.12.: Energy prize, practical, application-oriented (tyzka)
// exhibition / events
- Visual Utopia
- Power supply of the future (vitra design)
- -01.09: Klima_X, berlin
- Cycles instead of waste, dbu
- Traveling exhibition: power2change
- Traveling exhibition: planet A (biological diversity)
- Environments, Wuppertal
- art scholarship: insects in the city
- new technologies: avatar robots
- 16.05.: Digital product passport: central catalyst for a digital and green transformation?, nuremberg
- 04.06.: Week of the environment, dbu
- 16.06.: open science festival, mainz
- 20.06.: cleantech innovation summit, bamberg
- 02.07.: Symposium "Sustainable into a renewable future: Efficient use of land and raw materials" (carmen)
- 20.08.: International Climate Protection Fellowship: information event (humboldt)
- 26.09.: Sustainability Day, Hesse
- 15.11.: energy decentral, hanover
- 19.02.: Sustainable electronics and resilient supply chains, Nuremberg
// misc: News
- Laughter; night trains (map, see also #1, #2); energy sharing; Black Girl Environmentalists; sustainable mobility economy (see also #1, #2.); transportation transition skills shortage(see also); Parking lot rental prices(see also #1, #2, #3); Nanocar: Spain; Renewables: 30% global (see also solar / wind power / countries); Fast fashion phase-out: France; Product passport: furniture; Coal phase-out: G7 2035; Coal-free: Hawaii; Climate change lessons: USA (s.a.); Climate compensation 2.0(s.a. #1, #2); Generation V; Bio-based low-cost 3d building; Homeless > City tour guide; Table coffee, bread, cosmetics, US(s.a.); legal claim: home office; Innovation 4.0 (s.a.); Hogwarts 2.0(s.a.); algae cement; algae skis; Enough!; re-farming; answerstory database (s.a. egab / local journalism 2.0); Satellite CO2 measurement (see also embodied CO2); Saving (in); Boom: peat replacement; Solein; Boom: plant-based nutrition(see also #1, #2); Windowsill 2.0; garden habitats; reconnection; breathing air #1, #2; detoxification #1, #2, #3; drinking fountains; shade;collectives(see also); temporary use; DIY open spaces; legal subjects; warm glow; feelings & reality principle(see also #1, #2, #3)
- aktion: Legal security of non-profit journalism; Evaluation dtsch. Climate care portal; Living and doing business within planetary boundaries (wwf); Our rivers; Narrative strategies (seealso #1, #2)
- texts: Men who burn the world; Enough city crises; Global droughts; CO2 budget
- atlas: climate impact (1986-2099, s.a. mortality; attributability); climate lawsuits (international); carbon-removal; night trains; geothermal energy; EU; urban utopia VR
- free toolboxes: CO2 balance; home garden & biodiversity; freedom; racism; SDG (leasing)
- podcast: city-changers; climate update (taz; see also #1, #2), mcast (bmdv)
- app: Stadtgrün 2.0; self-test: Kiez & Klima; waste hunting; handprint; living and doing business within planetary boundaries (wwf)
- game: changemaker; climate change & gaming
- film: wikiflix; good news from the planet; less >< more; the noisy spring; holy shit
// misc: bizarre
- 38 trillion / year (s.a.); Frozen corals (s.a. super corals); Heat-free 2.0; Microplastics in food: 5g / week(s.a. #1, #2); Allergies 2.0; Climate-damage advertising(s.a.); fossil rhetoric (s.a. eAuto(s.a); methane gas (s.a. propane gas); faq: disinformation industry(s.a. #1, #2); Reuters?; union 0.0; Trump diapers(s.a.); 'autonomous X#' & mechanical turcs; lignite methane; book deserts; forest loss 2023; private jet flights: T. Swift; billionaires (s.a.); buying frenzy(s.a. #1, #2); Boomer-Doomer; D-Bomb; Hell; Zoonoses 2.0; Subsequent costs of coal: China(see also); Country folk romance 2.0; Polizfi; Lawn-free; Co-pilots 2.0; they; do-not
// Digital
- digital green deal; ICT for Sustainability (see also climate-related); Sustainable AI; community sustainable digitalization (bmuv); shift
- text: resource consumption tracking (see also #1, #2, #3); privacy-washing; government dating apps; resource consumption: AI(see also); lie detector AI; prison AI; nuclear war AI; identity-auth AI; intrusion AI(see also); automating society; democratic algorithms(see also)
- application: climate lie detector (see also together against fakes); co2 calculator(individual / see also; new: organizations)
- social innovations: local, free, open, user-autonomous, resource-efficient software & hardware, BE4FOSS / NS4NH (seealso #1, #2)